Support These Bills to Strengthen Our Democracy!

Please take a few moments to submit testimony in support of these good governance bills that would help strengthen our democracy!

The House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs will hear these bills on Wednesday, March 12th at 2:00 pm in Conference Room 325 and via video conference. 


Please submit written testimony by Tuesday March 11th at 2 pm and consider testifying orally, either in person or via Zoom (Late testimony will be accepted until the hearing time on 3/12).

Support SB51: Fully Funded Public Elections

Establishes a comprehensive system of public financing for all candidates seeking election to state and county public offices in the State of Hawai‘i, to begin with the 2026 general election year.


What does this Bill Do?

This bill offers public funding to candidates who agree not to accept private donations. It levels the playing field and frees candidates from big donors who might try to influence them.


Candidates who choose this system pledge to reject donations from lobbyists, corporations, unions, and wealthy individuals. This allows elected officials to make decisions based on public needs rather than donor demands. The system invites more candidates to run, even if they lack financial backing. Grassroots supporters and small-dollar contributions gain more weight, which can bring fresh ideas and voices into state and county races.


Why is this Important?

Hawai‘i started a partial public funding program after adding it to the State Constitution in 1978. That early effort showed a commitment to ethical elections. This new proposal expands on that foundation. Between 2010 and 2012, the Hawai‘i  County Council pilot program gave about $363,000 in public funds to 16 candidates. Many praised the pilot project for reducing reliance on wealthy contributors and for showing that publicly funded elections can work in Hawai‘i.

This investment can help protect the integrity of elections for all residents. Reducing dependence on large private donations can cut the costs linked to corruption or investigations later on. 

Sample Testimony: 

Please support SB51. Implementing fully publicly funded elections can help restore trust and integrity in Hawaiʻi’s elections, which have historically depended on wealthy donors. The success of Hawai‘i’s partial public funding program and past pilot programs demonstrates that this approach can work, reducing undue influence and increasing voter trust in the electoral process.

Public financing levels the playing field, allowing more diverse and community-driven candidates to run for office without the barrier of big-money fundraising. It fosters a government that truly reflects the will of the people, rather than those with the deepest pockets and connections to influence.

 Support SB345: Campaign Spending Partial Public Funding Increase

What does this Bill Do?

The bill proposes an appropriation of $16 million for each of the next two fiscal years to sustain the program.

The bill rewards candidates who engage with community members at every level by raising the matching ratio from $1 to $2. This step makes it easier for new voices to run. Campaigns with smaller average donation sizes are more likely to focus on local issues that affect everyday residents.

Why is it Important?

The partial public financing program has been part of our electoral process since 1978. This program aligns with our constitution’s directive to provide public funding for election campaigns.

The funding limits have remained unchanged for two decades. In that time, Hawai‘i’s cost of living has grown faster than the national average, impacting the true value of campaign funds. Updating the limits helps campaigns keep pace with rising expenses, such as printing, venue rentals, and advertising.

Sample Testimony:

Please pass SB345. By increasing the expenditure cap and adjusting matching funds to 2 to 1, this measure reflects the economic realities of today and encourages more candidates to participate in the program. This bill is a significant step toward reducing the influence of big money in our election process.

Support SB1032: Prohibits Foreign Entities from Campaign Spending

What Does This Bill Do?

Prohibits foreign entities and foreign-influenced business entities from making contributions, expenditures, electioneering communications, or donations for election purposes.

Why is it Important? Sample Testimony:

Please support SB1032. Our democracy should be shaped by the people of Hawai‘i, not outside entities trying to control our political system.

This bill significantly strengthens our existing laws to protect the integrity of our election process by prohibiting foreign-owned businesses from making campaign contributions and expenditures. Having businesses certify they have no foreign ownership before being able to make political donations promotes transparency and accountability to both our candidates receiving the donations and the voters. To further enhance the clarity of political advertising, the bill requires top contributors to disclose their sources of funding.

Please protect Hawai‘i’s elections from foreign influence.

Mahalo for taking action!

The HAPA Team

Join us this session in supporting a broad array of bills designed to support local farmers, food producers, increase local food production, address inequities in our food system such as food insecurity, and support regenerative and indigenous farming/food production practices.

Learn more information below about HAPA’s 2024 FSFS policy agenda and take action in support of these Fair & Sustainable Food System policy priorities! 

New to Legislative Engagement? Learn more about how to engage in the Legislative Session! 

Make sure you have set up your account on the Hawaii State Legislature website. If you are new to the process, see this helpful page on legislative engagement 101 from the Public Access Room including a link on how to submit testimony!

Mahalo for taking action! 


2025 Good Governance Policy Agenda Crossover Update: as of 3/6/25


Action Alert: So Many Good Food & Ag Bills to Support!