Support HAPA’s Work Towards a More Just Hawaiʻi!


As we approach the end of 2023, I am reflecting on all that we have accomplished together at the Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA).

Thanks to your support, we have made significant progress in our fight for a more just and sustainable Hawaiʻi. This year, we have:

Grown the bench of community accountable leaders across Hawaiʻi with the skills and knowledge to effectively engage in local decision making and governance. In 2023 HAPA:

Kuleana Academy Alum Shannon Matson makes poi at Legislative Opening Day, January 2023

  • Graduated Kuleana Academy’s 7th cohort of 22 community leaders, deepening their skills in community organizing, policy advocacy and the nuts and bolts for running for elected office. This cohort marks 120 participants to complete the Kuleana Academy Program to date, with 12 graduates holding elected office at the county and state levels, 8 sitting on Neighborhood Boards and many serving in various leadership roles within the community.  

  • Activated our Kuleana Academy Alumni Association to bring together graduates from across the pae ‘āina to continue to learn together, deepen connections and foster more network-wide collaboration. HAPA hosted the first ever Hawaiʻi-wide alumni gathering in late 2022 and began hosting island specific alumni gatherings in 2023. 

Linked arms with fellow advocates to advance a broad fair & sustainable food systems policy agenda and support a range of other progressive policies, such as clean elections/publicly financed elections, tax fairness and restorative justice. 

  • HAPA mobilized testimony for 50 bills in our fair & sustainable food systems policy agenda, and can attribute over 30% of all testimony to our digital organizing. Two of the bills we support were signed into law. 

HAPA Provided hundreds of hours of educational community events, webinars, training and digital organizing to protect Hawaiʻiʻs precious land and water from exploitation and extractive interests. In 2023 HAPA hosted or co-sponsored 45 educational community events, panels, etc.

Supported Maui relief efforts, raising awareness about predatory land and water grabs. Mobilized testimony at the Commission on Water Resource Management to protect against water grabs. 

Also, In 2023 we grew our digital organizing reach! We doubled our digital subscribers, expanding our ability to mobilize support for various policies and actions at local boards and commissions. 

But our work is not done, we need your support more than ever.

That's why we're asking you to make a donation to HAPA today. Your support at any level will help us to continue our fight for a better Hawaiʻi for all.

Thank you for your consideration and support! 

In Solidarity,

SIGN UP: Kuleana Academy Info!

SIGN UP: Kuleana Academy Info!

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    About Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action 

    The Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) is deeply committed to championing social, economic, and environmental justice throughout Hawaiʻi. Recognizing the interconnected nature of food systems, we underscore that the challenges plaguing these systems are not isolated from broader social, economic, and environmental concerns. We believe in an integrated approach that addresses these interdependencies to create a just, equitable, and sustainable future for Hawaiʻi.

    Contact: | (808) 212-9616


    Did You Miss the Pesticides & Public Health Panel Discussion? Find the Recorded Session Here!


    Pesticides & Public Health Panel Discussion on Dec 21st