More Reform Bills Being Heard this Week

SUPPORT SB 733 - Continuous Legislative Session

SUPPORT SB 809 - Closing Campaign Spending Contractor Loophole

SUPPORT SB 1173 - Fees on PAC Spending

SUPPORT HB 322 - Automatic Voter Registration Improvements

The Senate Committee on Judiciary will hear four important bills that would make our elections more transparent, fair, and accessible. Most importantly, these bills would strengthen our democracy.

DATE: Friday, January 31, 2025

TIME: 9:15 AM

PLACE: Conference Room 016 & Videoconference

SUPPORT SB 733 - Continuous Legislative Session

Proposing Amendments To The Hawaii State Constitution To Establish A Continuous Legislative Session.

What Does This Bill Do?

Mandates that the Hawaii State Legislature meet at least once monthly, removing language about recesses, special sessions, and adjournments. Requires all bills to be submitted for gubernatorial consideration within two years, ensuring a timeline for the legislative process and setting a 90-day deadline for the governor to act on submitted bills. Bars lawmakers from outside employment during their term.

Why is it Important:

Continuous sessions ensure lawmakers are regularly addressing the needs of their constituents. Prohibiting private-sector employment ensures that legislators focus solely on their public duties. A continuous session allows for more hearings, more time for public testimony and input, and more collaboration among legislators

Sample Testimony:

Aloha Chair Rhoads, Vice Chair Gabbard, and Members of the Committee,

My name is [NAME], and I am writing in STRONG support of SB 733, the proposal to establish a continuous legislative session.

A full-time legislature means greater accountability and allows lawmakers to focus solely on serving the people. Prohibiting private-sector jobs ensures undivided attention and minimizes conflicts of interest.


The proposed updates—like a two-year deadline for bills, a 90-day window for gubernatorial action, and earlier budget finalization—make government more efficient. Adjusting legislative salaries will reflect the increased commitment this shift requires.

Please support!

Mahalo for your consideration!

Your Name, Town

Support A Continuous Legislative Session

SUPPORT SB 809 - Closing Campaign Spending Contractor Loophole

What Does This Bill Do?

It restricts contributions from contractors and grantees, meaning companies or individuals that have contracts or receive grants from the state or county, as well as their officers and immediate family members during the duration of their contract or grant. This prevents indirect contributions to political campaigns through promises or implied intentions related to contracts or grants.

Why Is This Important?

Preventing contractors and grantees from donating to political campaigns reduces the risk of undue influence or favoritism in government decisions and in the awarding of contracts and grants. When the public sees that government contracts and grants are free from political influence, their trust in their elected officials and government increases.

Sample Testimony:

Aloha Chair Rhoads, Vice Chair Gabbard, and Members of the Committee,

My name is [NAME], and I am writing in STRONG support of SB 809, which prevents state and county contractors, grantees, and their families from making political contributions while their contracts or grants are active.

Closing this loophole is important because it ensures public funds are used for their intended purposes, not to sway political campaigns or decisions.


This bill makes our elections more fair and transparent by removing conflicts of interest. It also builds trust by ensuring contractors and grantees stay focused on their work without any perception of political strings attached.

Please support!

Mahalo for your consideration!

Your Name, Town

Support Closing Campaign Spending Contractor Loophole

SUPPORT SB 1173 - Fees on PAC Spending

What Does This Bill Do?

Address the growing influence of independent expenditures ( PAC Spending) on elections. Introduces a 5% fee on the total independent expenditures made by noncandidate committees during an election. Campaign Spending Commission will allocate revenues from the fee, penalties, and interest to the Hawaii Election Campaign Fund—75% for public campaign financing and 25% for upgrading administrative systems and hiring staff.

Why Is this Important?

This ensures that large, independent expenditures do not overshadow individual candidates. Increasing funding for public campaign financing reduces reliance on private donors and conflicts of interest.

Sample Testimony:

Aloha Chair Rhoads, Vice Chair Gabbard, and Members of the Committee,

My name is [NAME], and I am writing in STRONG support of SB1173

This bill addresses the growing influence of independent expenditures, which often exceed resources available to individual candidates. PAC's can undermine public confidence in the electoral process.


Please support!

Mahalo for your consideration!

Your Name, Town

Support Imposing Fees on PAC Spending

Committee On Human Services & Homelessness an important bill on expanding Automatic Voter Registration.

DATE: Thursday, January 30, 2025

TIME: 9:35am


SUPPORT HB 322 - Automatic Voter Registration Improvements

What Does This Bill Do?

It makes registering to vote easier and more efficient for everyone. Your information is shared securely between state agencies and election officials to ensure that voter registration is accurate and up-to-date. The system will not process your registration if you’re not a U.S. citizen.

Why Is This Important?

By integrating voter registration into everyday interactions with state agencies, more people are likely to register to vote since it simplifies registering. The bill balances ease of registration with personal choice by allowing individuals to opt out easily if they prefer not to participate.

Sample Testimony:

Aloha, Chair Martin, Vice Chair Olds, and Members of the Committee,

My name is [NAME], and I am writing in STRONG support of HB322, which expands Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) by integrating voter registration with state agencies, permits, programs, or services with "dual-purpose applications," allowing individuals to register to vote, update their voter information, or decline to register through a checkbox.


This reform simplifies the registration process, ensuring that more eligible residents can easily register to vote while maintaining the integrity of our voter rolls through secure and accurate information sharing. The bill also respects personal choice by allowing individuals to opt-out and safeguards to prevent the registration of non-citizens.

Mahalo for your consideration!

Your Name, Town

Support Automatic Voter Registration



SB 311 - Free Speech does not include Spending Money to Influence Elections

SB 1032 - Keep Foreign Nationals/Corporations Out of Campaign Spending

Visit Free Speech for the People for more information

SB114 - Establishes presidential preference primary elections for the 2028 election cycle


Action Alert: Support Local Food Security!


First Hearing of Good Government Reform Bills